In English

About ajour pressebureau and Erling Madsen:

We have the knowledge about the different culture in the Nordic countries as well as contact to the press. It makes sense to use ajour press as your gateway to the Nordic countries.

The company was established on the 1st of December 1978 and has been active within communication, PR and journalism ever since. Many of the customers have even been with the company for 10-25 years.

This has only been possible because of the red thread running through the company – diversity, flexibility, quality and credibility. Often with a twinkle of humor. To work strategically, analytically and visionary is prioritized – as well as the journalistic curiosity combined with common sense are great aids when the essence/message shall be found.

We use sense and simplicity

An important element is that things should be done with sense and simplicity – it is seldom important with a lot of meetings and grand solutions with a huge amount of PowerPoint slides and control systems. Erling Madsen has many years of experience with communication and journalism within text, word and picture and therefore has practical experience with all disciplines in PR – and a deep understanding of the media’s working methods. He can step in and take control of the communication that is needed or be an extension to an already existing communications department. Experience means an enormous width and a large network.

Always listening with an open mind

Among other things the following areas are Erling Madsens expertise: Internet of Things, small domestic equipment, energy, environment, telecommunication, zoos, health authorities/healthcare, consumer electronics, lifestyle, technology, lighting, everyday necessities, culture, the building sector, insulation, food & wine and sports – but otherwise the most important thing is to begin a job with an open mind and to listen to the customers!

Solid experience, reliable, overview and weight are some of the things we can offer. Besides that we have many innovative ideas – and can come as a breath of fresh air from outside the company and see new possibilities, but of cause always with respect to the existing.

We help you with the puzzle

One of our general traits is that we are great at cooperating: Both with other experts who complement our own knowledge and experience and also with other of our customer’s suppliers or different departments at the customers.

We do not deliver off-the-shelf items but take a starting point in the customers’ world and their needs and custom make the perfect solution. You do not have to pay to a hug ‘factory’, but only the part you really need. Or in other words: You can buy one or several pieces for your puzzle or have us do the entire puzzle for you.

Contact us by mail.